Mike McGrath
Program HostMike is host of the nationally syndicated weekly public radio show You Bet Your Garden, an hour of “chemical-free horticultural hijinks.” From 1993 through 1997, Mike was the regular gardening expert on the weekend edition of The Today Show, Saturday mornings on NBC. He has also appeared on Nova, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, PBS Healthweek, CNN, FOX and as a regular contributor on the weekly PBS TV series Your Organic Garden and the Discovery Channel’s Home Matters.
In 2024, You Bet Your Garden moved to its new home on WDIY where it is produced and then distributed nationally to public radio stations across the U.S.
Mike McGrath reveals the perfect soil mix to keep your plants thriving. Plus, your fabulous phone calls!
Mike McGrath gives his suggestions for flowers to grow in your garden and bring into your home. Plus, your fabulous phone calls!
Mike McGrath explains how to start your own seeds, and shares how it's different from keeping outdoor plants alive. Plus, how to get plants and trees to play nice, and your fabulous phone calls!
Mike McGrath explains why backyard chickens are a good option with rising egg prices. Plus, a look at the new book Saving Orchids, and your phone calls!
Mike McGrath solves a unique problem: how to keep monkeys away from your fruit trees. Plus, an early look at the new Square Foot Gardening book, and your fabulous phone calls!
Mike McGrath explains why peas are such a great crop to grow over the colder winter months. Plus, your fabulous phone calls!
Mike McGrath shares the microphone with his producer James and his assistant Sean to look back on some of the best phone calls, interviews and questions of 2024.
Mike McGrath explains how to grow your own produce as store prices rise, even if you're a beginner. Plus, volunteer opportunities at the Philadelphia Flower Show, and your fabulous phone calls!
Mike McGrath provides gift ideas for the gardeners in your life. Plus, the best herbs to grow indoors over the winter, and your fabulous phone calls!
Mike McGrath explains how to get rid of moths that have found their way into your pantry, and how to keep them away in the first place. Plus, your low-flying phone calls!