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Underwriting/Business Support

Reach the Lehigh Valley’s most educated, affluent, and loyal radio audience for a fraction of the cost of other media!

What is Underwriting?

Underwriting is a way to support local – and national – public radio programming.

An underwriting spot is an announcement made on public broadcasting outlets, such as WDIY, in exchange for funding.

By supporting WDIY through underwriting, you are effectively reaching a core audience of business decision makers. Underwriting will position your business in an affluent environment among an elite audience which is engaged in the community.

  • Support the Lehigh Valley’s local arts, culture and education
  • Expose your business to a new market of consumers
  • Help keep NPR, local, national and international news, public affairs, and a wide variety of music on the air

To inquire about becoming an underwriter with WDIY, please contact Alison DelRe at 610-694-8100 ext. 2, or by email at underwrite@wdiy.org or alison@wdiy.org.

WDIY’s Listenership

  • Approximately 40,000 unique listeners each week (cumulative listeners)
  • Listenership is growing at an average 5% per year over the last 10 years
  • NPR’s Morning Edition (5:00 – 9:00 AM weekdays) attracts over 15,000 listeners
  • NPR’s All Things Considered (4:00 – 6:00 PM weekdays) attracts over 10,000 listeners
  • WDIY’s listenership exceeds that of any other public radio station receivable within the Lehigh Valley

WDIY’s Website and Social Media

  • WDIY’s website attracts over 29,000 visitors per month and is linked to many of our community partner organizations’ websites. Visitors and engagement have been growing since our NPR-hosted site was launched in 2015.
  • WDIY’s app attracts over 21,400 steaming sessions per month.
  • WDIY has more than 3,500 likes and 4,100 followers on Facebook, over 2,700 followers on Twitter, and more than 1,400 followers on Instagram.
  • WDIY’s E-Waves weekly newsletter, which includes program highlights and other information, goes out to more than 2,500 subscribers.

Consumers Support Companies that Support Public Radio

The "Halo Effect" is the positive association and shared values NPR listeners attribute to the companies that sponsor us. Listeners have a higher opinion of those sponsors who support public radio. Research shows our listeners take action as a result of a sponsor’s on-air credits. Among other things, listeners say the announcements have led them to attend cultural events or exhibits, consider new products, gather more information about a product or company, and visit websites.

About the NPR Audience

Median Age/Gender:

  • Age 35-64, with a median age of 51
  • 54% male, 46% female


  • Seven in 10 listeners have a bachelor’s degree, compared to only around 30% of the U.S. population. They are also three times as likely as the average American to have completed graduate school.

Income/Home Ownership:

  • Median household income is about $102,300 vs. the national average of about $67,520


  • 57% exercise regularly


  • 52% have a valid passport

To inquire about becoming an underwriter with WDIY, please contact Alison DelRe at 610-694-8100 ext. 2, or by email at underwrite@wdiy.org or alison@wdiy.org.