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Economic Pulse: Week of 6/7/24

Is the US economy in a recession?

According to the Harris poll, 56% of Americans believe the US is in a recession. Before moving ahead, let’s review the definition of recession, a period of falling GDP, with plummeting employment causing high unemployment rate and falling retail sales, usually accompanied with the stock market and purchasing power dropping.

Click here for the latest Lehigh Valley Economic Review.

Listen to Economic Pulse Fridays at 5:44 PM during All Things Considered; Mondays at 7:30 AM during Morning Edition.

(Original air-date: 6/7/24)

Dr. Kamran Afshar has a Ph.D. in Economics and has taught at graduate and under graduate levels between 1978-88. He has vast experience in economic impact studies, feasibility studies, customer satisfaction surveys, and scientific competitive analysis.
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