WDIY 88.1 FM Galactic Travels™ Top 20 for September, 2019.
Shows #1170 to #1173; 5-September-2019 to 26-September-2019
Reported in non-ranked, alphanumeric order.
Compiled by Bill Fox.
This report is also available at the Galactic Travels™ website.
The Special Focus for September was Rudy Adrian.
Alio Die and Lorenzo Montanà - The Threshold of Beauty - Projekt
Bart Hawkins - 21 Pulse Eclipse - Spotted Peccary Music
Dave Luxton - After the Epoch - Wayfarer
Imaginary Landscape - Nothing Left Behind - SynGate
Kelly David - Meditation in Green - Spotted Peccary
Lankow and Brückner - Monsoon Offerings - none
Miles Richmond and Peter Grenader featuring Steve Roach - POV - ZSR
Rudolf Heimann - Die Unendlichkeit des Augenblicks - Spheric Music
Rudy Adrian - Atmospheres - Spotted Peccary Music
Rudy Adrian - Coastlines - Spotted Peccary Music
Rudy Adrian - Distant Stars - Lotuspike
Rudy Adrian - The Healing Lake - White Cloud
Sam Rosenthal with Nick Shadow and Steve Roach - The Gesture of History - Projekt
Shinpal - Seven Lives - SynGate/Wave
Stan Dart - Murinsel Vol. 2 - SynGate/Wave
Steve Roach - Bloom Ascension - Projekt
Sverre Knut Johansen with Robert Rich - Precambrian - Spotted Peccary
Syndromeda - Close to the Core - SynGate
The Bemus Point - Vita Nova - none
The Equinox Project - Khufu's Void - none
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