Bethlehem’s annual Celtic Classic & Highland Games fill the city with the music of bagpipes, an iconic instrument with a history even older than the Games themselves.
Highland Games are a colorful, unique mix of sports, culture, and community. A celebration not only of all things Celtic, but especially of Scottish Highlands heritage and history.
Among the most powerful, romantic and dramatic of all the symbols of Scotland may just be the Highlanders' tartan and kilt.
The rich, magical folklore of the Celtic world is shaped in part by the landscapes of the Celtic countries. But the wild and windswept Scottish landscape, from the Highlands to the Western Isles, is home to some of the darkest and strangest creatures in any folklore.
Lughnasa is both an ancient Celtic festival marking the beginning of the harvest, and the Gaelic name for the month we call August. Ireland’s oldest fair, the raucous Puck Fair in Killorglin, County Kerry, is believed to be descended from these old Lughnasa festivals.
After all the courting and bonfire leaping and maypole dancing going on in the old Celtic countries in May, it is not surprising that young lovers’ thoughts might turn to marriage in June.
On many a windswept Irish hillside can be found a tall stone pillar, moss-covered and worn with age. Carved into the side of the stone is what looks like long lines of hatch-marks or notches.
One of the most beautiful, mysterious things you can come across in your travels in Ireland or Scotland is a holy well.
The misty forests and craggy bluffs of Ireland and Wales have long been linked to the Celtic legacy of that region in our minds. But evidence suggests that the Celts traveled beyond these northern islands, all the way down to the sunny shores of northwest Spain.
In the Celtic countries, trees were treasured and imbued with magical qualities, superstitions, and folklore. One of the most magical is the Hawthorn, a beautiful, often gnarled, thorny little tree which blossoms white in the month of May, and is known by many names.