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"I Didn't Birth Babies to Bury Them" with Kimberley Alexander | Let's Talk

Dr. Hasshan Batts welcomes Kimberley Alexander, Executive Director of Moms of Black Boys United, to talk about the national group's efforts that started during the peak of the Black Lives Matter movement and the ongoing work to uphold its messages.

Kimberley gives a look into the fear that Black moms feel every day for their sons and the trauma of having "the talk" with them about gun violence and police brutality. She talks about the value of debunking the common myth that Black women can't work together, her journey to her position of activism, love, and healing, and the belief that "we are joy."

Let's Talk delivers hard-hitting conversations focused on the tough topics and issues standing in the way of community progress. Listen in the second Thursday of every month from 6:30 to 7:00 PM.

(Original air-date: 6/13/24)

Dr. Hasshan Batts is the host of Let's Talk on WDIY. He is also the Director of Promise Neighborhoods of the Lehigh Valley.
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