On this episode, Margaret McConnell and co-host Samantha Shaak, acting Executive Director of the Leonard Parker Pool Institute for Health, welcome Nathan Boateng, VP of Community Impact & Engagement at Valley Health Partners, Teri Haddad, VP of Community Initiatives & Advancement at Community Services for Children, and Darian Colbert, Executive Director at Cohesion Network. Together, they talk about how being Pool Fellows has benefitted both them and their work.
They discuss how they've been able to connect with other people working to improve the community, the value of having more voices around the table, and the idea that "we" is vital but difficult to achieve.
Catch HealthBEAT the third Monday of every month from 6:30 to 7:00 PM following Lehigh Valley Arts Salon.
(Original air-date: 7/15/24)