Kate Scuffle talks with Dr. William Crow, Director of the Lehigh University Art Galleries, about their current exhibition "Really Free: The Radical Art of Nellie Mae Rowe." They discuss how the featured art draws you into Rowe's life and leads you to ask the question, "where does creativity come from and why should we hold onto that?"
Dr. Crow shares more about LUAG and what it brings to the community. He also explains why this exhibition was chosen, and why it feels so applicable at this moment in time.
"Really Free: The Radical Art of Nellie Mae Rowe" can be viewed at LUAG's main gallery at Zoellner Arts Center through December 7.
Tune in to Lehigh Valley Arts Salon every Monday from 6:00 to 6:30 PM following All Things Considered.
(Original air-date: 10/21/24)