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Prison Project's Tori Campbell | Prison Project Podcast

The entrance to Northampton County Prison in Easton, PA.

On the first installment of the Prison Project Podcast, host Alexis Raskin talks with fellow Lehigh graduate Tori Campbell ('20) who volunteered at Northampton County Prison as a GED tutor through Lehigh University's Prison Project.

Tori shares her perspectives on the criminal justice system and death penalty and how sustainable development and how better urban planning may be a soluntion.

Tori Campbell was pursuing her BS in Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences from Lehigh at the time this was recorded. She graduated in 2020.

(Original air-date: 7/1/2021)

A note from host Alexis Raskin: Hi listeners! Thank you for tuning in to the Prison Project Podcast. As we wrapped up recording this podcast at the end of 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic began. Because of the timing we did not get to explore the ways in which incarcerated people were infected by the coronavirus (at a rate more than five time higher than the nation's overall rate), the way in which the isolation from quarantine shaped public opinion on solitary confinement, the murder of George Floyd and subsequent insufficient sentencing of Derek Chauvin. During this year, so much growth was done collectively as a country, and our eyes were opened up to how much work we still must do. While I wish I could incorporate what I have learned from 2020 to this podcast, I still believe it serves the purpose of drawing attention to these injustices as we continue to educate ourselves to work towards a perfect union. Thank you again for listening, and hope to continue more episodes in the future!

Alexis Raskin is a graduate of Lehigh University ('20). During her time studying at the school, she interned at WDIY. Her volunteering efforts at the Northampton County Prison as a GED tutor led to her recording and producing the Prison Project Podcast, focused on exploring the inequities in the criminal justice system. Alexis now works for Teach for America at DMLK Early College in Denver, CO, where she teaches middle and high school Special Education
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