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Taking the Risk: Entrepreneurship with Shaunak Neogi and Bill Henderson | Teen Money Matters

Jayaditya Kothari begins by welcoming Parkland High School student Shaunak Neogi to talk about entrepreneurship from a teenage perspective, and how entrepreneurial skills can help teens in their daily lives.

Then, Jayaditya sits down with Bill Henderson, CIO at Valley National Financial Advisors, to talk more in depth about the planning and risk involved in becoming an entrepreneur. They discuss the time and energy required to become successful in your own business and the importance of utilizing modern resources like social media.

Teen Money Matters welcomes local teens and financial experts to talk about and explore ways to save, budget and understand the importance of managing money for the future. New episodes air alternating first Thursdays of the month from 6:30 to 7:00 PM following All Things Considered.

(Original air-date: 6/6/24)

Jayaditya is a junior at Parkland High School who wants to give the knowledge of financial literacy to all. His aim when co-founding Money Matters was to educate others to give them a more stable future.
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