Galactic Travels Top 20 Report for February, 2014.

WDIY 88.1 FM "Galactic Travels" Top 20 for February, 2014.
Shows #879 to #878; 6-February-2014 to 27-February-2014
Reported in non-ranked, alphanumeric order.
Compiled by Bill Fox

The Special Focus for February was Max Corbacho.

Alio Die and Sylvi Alli - Amidst the Circling Spires - Projekt
David Helpling and Jon Jenkins - Found - Spotted Peccary
Deep Imagination - Surroundings - Rough Trade
Forrest Smithson - Dreaming Time - none
George Wallace - Communion - Larger Than Life
George Wallace - Frontiers - AirBorn
Ian Boddy and Bernhard Wostheinrich - Moire - DiN
Ken Elkinson - Equistice - August Sun
Max Corbacho - Ars Lucis - ad21music
Max Corbacho - BreathStream - ad21music
Max Corbacho - The Ocean Inside d1 - ad21music
Max Corbacho - The Ocean Inside d2 - ad21music
Modulator ESP - Adventures in Sound
Neal Gardner - We Are Infinite - Soundzero
Paragate - Patterns of Light - none
Placement - Our Man in High Places - The Lime Green Yellow Recording Company
Placement - Pieces from a Life - none
Prospero - Between Spinning Nothing - Black Note Music
Psicodreamics - Eternal Angel - Witches on the Radiowaves
Robert Rich - Morphology - Anodize

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