More Than Just the Celtic Classic: Elizabeth Timberlake-Newell Spotlights the Year-Round Offerings of the Celtic Cultural Alliance

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Donegal Square on Main Street in Bethlehem, PA opened in 1985 and was integral in the founding the Celtic Cultural Alliance in the Lehigh Valley.
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Celtic Faire host Rick Weaver talks with Dr. Elizabeth Timberlake-Newell, the Celtic Cultural Alliance's new chairperson of the Cultural Outreach Committee. They discuss how the Celtic Cultural Alliance is more than just the annual Celtic Classic festival, hosting events in the Lehigh Valley year-round.

Dr. Timberlake-Newell discusses some of the CCA's upcoming offerings including a celebration of the February holiday of Imbolc.

(Original air-date: 1/27/2023)

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Rick Weaver is the host of Celtic Faire, WDIY's show dedicated to Celtic music which airs Thursdays from 7 - 9 pm. Rick is also a musician, playing in the Lehigh Valley-based traditional Irish band Piper's Request along with fellow WDIY volunteer Megan Everett. Rick plays banjo, guitar, mandolin and fiddle! Rick also currently serves on the WDIY Board of Directors as Member Representative.